Sunday, March 15, 2015


We decided to go to Florence for a day trip. Both of us wanted to go, but since we were so set up in Rome, a day trip made the most sense. We went on a Saturday so Angela of Padua could meet us for the day. Angela and Bonnie are old friends from both the states and Italy so this was a good reunion for them. Angela is open and friendly, so we meshed easily.
After a smooth and comfortable 1.5 hr train ride, we disembarked to find Angela waiting for us on the platform. The modern security procedures in airports have done away with this type of arrival and departure, but the train still offers such simple pleasures.
First order of the day was lunch. After a quick consultation Angela led us to a place near the train station. In true Italian style, we enjoyed a leisurely 2 hour lunch. Both wine and conversation flowed freely and we enjoyed not only Angela's company but also a loud and loving table near ours, with grandparents, parents and babies.
Florence is the seat of the Renaissance and known worldwide for it's architecture and overall ambience. Even though we only had a few hours, we gulped as much Florentine flavor as we could. After lunch, the first stop was the "duomo". The photo below left is the "duomo". The photo below that is the inside of the dome. The photo below right is one of the doors.
every inch of the church is ornate

inside the dome

Angela of Padua and Bonnie of Louisville

The Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore is the main church of Florence, Italy. Il Duomo di Firenze, as it is ordinarily called, was begun in 1296 in the Gothic style to the design of Arnolfo di Cambio ...

The first of the 463 steps to the top of the Dome

Yet another beautiful church, but much more than that. Beside the fact that the pink and green marble is breathtakingly beautiful, the dome is an architectural wonder, not only of the time but still a mystery today.  

After a contest was held to find a builder back in the 13th century, a goldsmith who had NEVER BUILT ANYTHING was chosen to take on the project.
Filippo Brunelleschi was chosen and the work started in 1418 and it took until 1434 to complete. Brunelleschi started in 1420.
Even today the 149' dome is a mystery of construction. The dome has certainly withstood the test of time but one must wonder what "demons of doubt" this inexperienced builder must have faced.
Beside the fact that collapse was a possibility at all times and that the craftsmen were working hundreds of feet in the air, when they finally got to the top everything had to meet perfectly.
The other night, here in Louisville, we watched a documentary on the dome and an Italian architect named Massimo Ricci who is currently trying to reproduce the dome on a much smaller scale.

From the inside of the dome, one can easily forget about construction techniques and be overtaken by it's beauty. If one desires, you can take the very long and narrow stairway passage which spirals around the inside walls of the dome to the very top. We did not do it. One could write a whole book on the "duomo"and I'm sure many exist. 
But, with only one afternoon to spend, we missed much more than we saw. That said, what we saw was stunning. After quite awhile at the duomo and it's surrounding environs, we moved on toward the River Arno. Yes, we walked right past the famous Uffizi Gallery. Next time. 
Looking through the arch in front of Uffizi Gallery and across the Arno River

We arrived at the river just as the light of the day was fading into the night. As the lights of the streets and buildings at the rivers edge flicked on, the river became a jewel of reflection. To our right we saw the famous Ponte Vecchio.
The Arno River with Ponte Vecchio to the right

The Ponte Vecchio is so charming and fanciful it easily ignites ones imagination. The bridge itself is lined with shops cantilevered off the edges. One building just at the end of the bridge caught my attention more than the others. On the top was one of those sweet rooftop gardens that can only make one imagine sitting in the sunshine of a spring day, eating bread, olives, cheese and wine while breathing in the sweet river breeze from below. Yes, we will most definitely return to Florence.
Cantilevered shops on the Ponte Vecchio

Rooftop garden that ignited my imagination

After our lovely day we walked back to the train station for some refreshment, a few minutes more with Angela of Padua, and an emotional farewell between the two dear friends. Once again, the train platform provided the stage for hello's and goodbyes. Not long afterward, our train arrived and we boarded for a warm and sleepy return to our little haven on Via del Pelligrino.
We only used cabs a few times in Rome and the return trip from Florence was one of them. Sometimes, that little extra layer of luxury can make all the difference.

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